

We are proud to provide music tuition in the far north.

Our story of Music by the Moana started in Tairawhiti on the East Coast of the North Island, NZ.

Jo was born and raised here and spent her childhood raised by Ngati Porou whanau and immersed in the Maori culture.

Her family then moved overseas to Chile, South America and Canada, experiencing more music and culture which shaped her mind in a musical way.

Coming back to central North Island she continued to foster her love for people,nature, music and the outdoors and in particular Ruapehu, Ngaruhoe and Tongariro and the Tararua ranges. Her folks then retired home to the East Coast where she would regularly visit. Jo loves the moana.

She founded a music school and taught intinerently in Taupo for about 7 years before going back into her conservation work, which she still does now alongside her music.

Jo loves to teach as well as perform. Performing at the Sydney Town Hall, Opera House, Opening for MORE FM winery tours, performing at Rhythm & Vines, TSB Festival of Lights and high end lodges all over NZ

Jo loves most of all spending time with her whanau, her husband Johnny and their dog Tanemahuta being out on the water or in the hills together.

They spend their summers working in the back country of Aotearoa, New Zealand hunting and fishing and enjoying down time in the winter months, in their home in Te Tai Tokerau, Doubtless Bay, the winterless north.

Music has taken me places that nothing else but the moana will

 Jo Gummer

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